I worked for months on creating the perfect vintage table displays for the wedding. Vases trimmed in antique lace filled with spring bouquets, antiqued books, and vintage dollies.
Do you know how long it takes to collect enough props for 23 tables….Forever!
There were about 70 books that I specifically searched for in the colors of grey, aqua and cream. Then they were sanded down, then antiqued using ink pads. Three were tied together with ribbon, then a vintage tag and skeleton key added.
Then I had the brainy idea to do the floral arrangements myself as well…..80 boxes of fresh cut flowers arrived the day before the wedding. I had a ton of help from my wonderful family…Dear Old Mom cleaned the greenery and cut the hydrangea to size, Dear Youngest Daughter cleaned the thorns and leaves off hundreds of roses, a very pregnant niece, helped arrange the displays and Dear Hubby asked what was for lunch_)(!#(#&_!(#_*##).
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