I had bought about 4 pairs of these socks when my daughter was expecting my first grandson. She wanted the baby’s room to be a sock monkey theme.
I started collecting anything I could get my hands on that was a sock monkey theme.
I bought these socks and a book on line that designed sock monkey animals from the socks………I had good intentions, but by the time I had finished a sock monkey quilt, lamp and shade, mobile and memory board I was socked out….quite frankly if I had seen another sock monkey I would have gone ape shit…..
So these socks plus the book have been stashed away for the last four years…..I knew I would find another use for them and did when I saw a sample at Chapters for this cute wine sock.
Makes a cute gift to take along!
Thank you so much for posting this! I had a similar experience with my sister and law, so I have a few of these socks leftover.