This is my favorite son in law's quilt that I made him for Christmas......well he's my only son in law so far so that would make him my favorite. He had been asking for a quilt for some time ( hard to believe that a man would take an interest in quilting, however he did). He did have stipulations though, one being that it had to be a hunting quilt and it had to have the "Browning" hunting logo on it. At first I thought, OMG, why would you want to ruin a perfectly good quilt, but then I tried to think how I could incorporate it to make him happy. I'm pleased with what I came up with. I used a couple of charm packs that I had stashed away, found some co-ordinating stash for the setting triangles and borders and I was well on my way. I embroidered a deer in the centre block to try and tie everything together. I appliqued the logo on two on the blocks in co-ordinating fabric. As a joke I embroidered on the back " if it flies it dies, if it's brown it's down " along with a wild turkey. He just loved it and that made it so worth while!

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