What do all these things have in common? Well if mommy agrees to go to the Yankee game, and mommy agrees to go to the New York Islander game, then daddy agrees to let mommy visit The City Quilter and mommy gets to buy stash. It's all about compromise and we're getting really good at it after 30 years of marriage. This is what I picked up at The City Quilter while we were visiting NYC last week. I've been looking for just the right yellow 30's print for a Sunbonnet Sue quilt I'm planning on doing. It's a quilt with a combination of machine embroidered BOM Sunbonnet Sue set with sashing. This yellow was perfect. The little pink apple buttons are for the trees in my Tiny Town BOM I'm working on. I've only ever seen the apples in red, so the pink ones will be perfect for that project.
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