Last week we travelled to Watkins Glen, camping. Usually the first week of September is warm and camping would be good, however last week was quite a bit cooler with rain and drizzle. Needless to say, less than perfect camping conditions. We stayed at Watkins Glen KOA, a very nice campground with an indoor pool and hot tub, so we were able to make use of that. We did get to sit out and have a few campfires before the rain started each evening. Even though it was not the best camping trip we've had, it was worth it, because dear hubby took me into town to O'Susannah's Quilt Shop and I was able to pick up a few new patterns. It's a very nice shop, well stocked with a good selection of fabric lines. They have a nice selection of felted wool as well. I was really good, just purchased patterns and no fabric, even though I really really wanted to. It took all my will power just to buy the patterns and not fabric. I just kept telling myself how much stash and UFO projects I had at home. It was really really tough though! We had dinner one night at a lovely restaurant called Seneca Harbour Station that over looked the harbour and lake. It was very pretty and I had the most amazing spinach and feta cream soup. I asked the waitress if the chef would give the recipe out and she said she would ask....it was quite comical when she came back told us the chef indicated it was from a dry mix package they order in. I'll just have to try and duplicate it on my own, because it was amazing.
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