I can’t tell you how frustrated I get sometimes with my phone cord hanging around and my phone laying on the floor charging. I’d seen similar examples on the web that allow you to hang your phone up while you charge it and I figured I could probably make one.
Make one…I made 2 and the pattern for Kindred Spirits.
It started with a little saying quilt block that I had picked up a while back, some scrap fabric and an idea. Add some soft and stable, binding and a grommet and my dilemma for phone on the floor…..solved.
The second sample came after asking to try my son’s phone, to make sure the newest IPhone would fit. He had a look and said, that’s cool. I asked if he would like one and he said sure, if I had time. I just happened to have fabric for his favourite pastime….motocross, and I just happened to have a few minutes of spare time. If your son loves what you made, asks for one, thinks it’s cool…you have a hit!
This is genius! Did you use a pattern?