Day 4...Oh! Christmas Tree
This year I was debating even putting up a Christmas Tree. It is always so much work to put up and down and I find it exhausting as no one else in the household ever wants to help. Our children are all grown and as we all age, the tree unfortunately sometimes seems a chore. Part of me wanted to pull out my tacky ceramic one and call it a day, however I anticipated the grandsons coming over and saying…”Nana, where’s your Christmas Tree?” Not to be a Nana Scrooge I did opt to put ours up, but thought how can I make this as simple as possible? The thought of putting up all the decorations that originally go on was overwhelming….do the math, 4 kids, 1 decoration for every Christmas for the first 15 years of their lives and that amounts to a lot of decorations. I had bought this mesh ribbon at Sam’s early in the month and thought I might be able to
spruce up the tree a bit , no pun intended. The oldest son brought up the Christmas Tree box, I put the 3 pieces together, turned on the lights and started wrapping the mesh in and out….this stuff is amazing. In no time I had it wound it in and out. I wrapped the extra mesh into a bow at the top and attached it with a pipe cleaner. At this point the tree already looked amazing. I ran out and bought about $15.00 worth of cheap gold balls from Wal-Mart and these great twirly dried and spray painted things from a local garden centre that were a steal at 6 for $6.99. I quickly hung the balls and stuck the twirly things throughout the tree….within 10 minutes…no lie…the whole tree was complete and looks like a million bucks. I’m a believer again!