Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Mascara would have been so much easier
These are the ladies in my "Dresden Girl "doll class, tediously sewing individual false eyelashes onto their Dresden Girl's sculpted face. Each eye gets a total of five eyelashes which are each sewn on one at a time. Do you know how tiny those things are! She is lovely when she's all complete, and I promise to show you all their final girls complete. I am really inspired at how well they have done with creating the doll as they are all new to doll making , except Barb who is an avid bear maker. She has also taken another doll class with me. I think they have all done fabulously!
Monday, May 30, 2011
I could handle a "trip around the world"
This is Donna's "Trip around the world" quilt...I want to try one of these, she says it was fairly easy. She brought it to have quilted and it's so neat to look at it from a distance. I had a perfect place for it, alas, she came and picked it up.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Love at first block
Look at these amazing ladies and their first "blocks"....perfect! Here are Linda, Shelly and Anne...the ladies in my beginner class at Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. You can see how pleased they all were to have the block finish to a perfect 12.5 inch square. They have been having so much fun and so have I, watching them learn to love the art of quilting.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
7 fat quarters to the gallon
How cool is this! This is the "Quilt Car"... a custom car quilt designed and made by the members of the Niagara Heritage Quilt Guild. It was on display last weekend at their annual quilt show held at Niagara College. It was amazing to see all the unique blocks and fabric that went into the making of it...truly a work of art.
Here's more pics including my friend Sue having a good look. We had a fun afternoon at the show and just hanging out together.
Friday, May 27, 2011
I have the Blues
This is Carol Ann's lovely Scrap Basket Blues quilt that she made for her son. She brought it to me to have quilted and I can tell you that I didn't want to give it back. It's from the book Scrap Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett. Carol Ann chose civil war prints and it looks amazing. I just have one question....I have this book...how is it everyone but me is getting their quilts completed? I have yet to get mine started...I have the fabric for about 4 of them, and not one done yet or even cut. &*$!)&!$)(&$
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
City planning at it's best

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"I'm an empty nester"
Well, they finally flew the coop. My little newborn morning doves, grew like weeds, and before I knew it they were out of the nest. It was fun to watch them grow ...close up. They have continued to grace our presence in the front yard and now my dear hubby is getting pissed annoyed because they are crapping all over the brick on the front of the house.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Summer's almost here
I can't wait...we've been working on the garden, getting our weeding done, putting out the deck furniture and trying to dress up the ugly shed. What can you really do to make your Costco special garden shed more presentable. God I hate this shed. These little wreaths help a bit... I was over the river with my mom a few weeks ago...we do the rounds at TJMax and Homegoods, Michaels, Joanns, AC crafts and my favorite...Christmas Tree Stores. This is where I picked these up for $5.99 each and they do make the shed look more homey and inviting so I'm happy!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Waste not, Want not Lil Twister Table Runner
This is Kathie, writing down the final instructions for the Waste not Want not Table runner. It's made from all the scraps you have left over from your Lil Twister Layer Cake quilt, once you have cut it completely. There are square shapes left in between each cut and triangle shaped pieces from the outside cuts....it would be a waste not to utilize them. I came up with this runner to use all the leftovers. You cut 42 -4.5 inch squares, 20 setting triangles, 4 corner triangles, set them all on point, add a 2.5 inch border and you have a really nice size table runner.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
"Howdy Neighbour...feel like twisting"
This is Kathie, she's always camera shy and in a secret life played Wilson on the TV show 'Home Improvement'. Ok...she's just short and has to hold it that high to get the whole quilt in the picture. She is a quilting wizard...finished the final borders, had her backing sewn and started on the matching table runner...all in one night's class. This little Twister quilt is wonderful, I love the colors. It's the new line Dragonfly Summer. It's from a layer cake and you use the Lil Twister ruler to cut your blocks once you have all your layer cakes sewn together. Really stunning..great job Kathie.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Mystery Quilt coming together
We are finally starting to see the quilts take shape at the Mystery Quilt Class at Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. It's been a long seven months to get here, but they are really taking shape. I love Audrey's quilt for her niece...the colors are wonderful together. Barb is making hers for her grandson in flannel and is picking out perfecting her seam joins. This is Border Creek Station's Mystery Quilt..Travel by Day/Night. Only one more month till we have all our clues and the final quilt is revealed...so exciting!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Measure Twice, cut once
That's one of the first tips I teach to my beginner class.... Measure twice, cut once. Here are Linda and Shelly concentrating on getting their cutting down pat. We are teaching the beginner class with Eleanor Burns Beginner book. Linda is working with batiks and Shelly chose wonderful spring fabric just new at the store. Look at the concentration in these ladies faces. So fun teaching beginners...they are like sponges... and haven't developed any bad habits yet...either.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
If you think no one cares you're alive, miss a couple of mortgage payments
This is Block 4 from House Hunting. I know it's month 5, but it was done in month 4...I am keeping up. I opted to use juvenile fabric in vibrant colors rather than the country look that the pattern uses. I thought it would look great in a child's room and that they could have lots of fun with all the prints and house shapes. It's turning out really sweet and it's been so much fun each month putting the houses together with different prints to give them each there own "curb appeal"
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Knock Knock...who's there

Betcha it's warm and cosy in there. I left him a note that the rent is due.
Monday, May 16, 2011
It's not hard to twist, it's all in the wrist
These are my Lil Twister quilt ladies....the Twister Sisters. Look how hard they are concentrating with their Lil Twister Rulers. There's Liz, Jane and Kathie focused on getting the job done. These are such fun quilts to make and the class is being offered thru Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. I'll share the students' next steps with you after next class.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thank heaven for little boys
I have a wonderful little grandson named Ayden who is just about 18 months. They've just moved into a new house and my daughter wanted a quilt for his new "big boy bed". She picked up the fabric at Ikea when they were picking out his bedroom set. It's so cute with the cars and trucks on it. I picked up fabric to go with it at Joann's and I can't believe what a good match I got. I put a border in the blue, all they way around and made him 2 matching pillow cases to go with it. I used the pantograph Seaside to quilt it. The room looks so sweet...now if they could only get him to sleep in it!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Come on let's twist again like we did last summer...
Here's the Twister Sisters again with their blocks and borders together. Looking good. There's Kathie, Jane, Liz and Linda, and they are such good girls to have their homework complete for class. These Lil Twister quilts will look fabulous when complete. I'll keep you posted with pictures from our next class. Liz is too funny, she said she couldn't be photographed cause she was in the witness protection program.....too bad Liz, looks like they're comin after you.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Town Center Star
This is another nice BOM club at Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. It's such a great deal. You pay 30.00 to start and that gets you a wonderful Quilters BOM calendar, a fabulous fabric Kindred Spirits bag and the first month's block fabric. You pick your Saturday of the month, complete the block and come back and you get the next month's block fabric free. You could potentially get a 12 block quilt for $30.00. Wow! If by chance you don't get your block done, you would have to pay $8.00 for the next month's block fabric, so there is incentive for getting it done in the time allotted AND staying on track. The club is called Crazy 8's.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
"Home is where the dog hair sticks to everything but the dog!"
My little Tiny Town by Bunny Hill is almost complete. This is block eight of nine. This is the sweetest of all quilts, with each block representing something you see around town, across the street or in your neighbourhood. Bunny Hill Designs has put so much detail into this pattern that you just gravitate to it and you feel at "home" with it. It's a BOM offered at Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. and the ladies in my group are so much fun...I'll miss them as we are almost done, just a few more blocks to go.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Bird's eye view
It's amazing how quickly these guys have grown. The mom must feel more comfortable leaving them, as today when I went to take a picture, she wasn't home. They're not all downy anymore and their feathers are well developed . When I took the picture, one even raised his wing and gave me a disgusting look like....Take a flying leap will you...excuse the pun
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's day to all those moms out there. My mom is 85 and will be coming to have dinner with us this Sunday. I'm a mom and all four of my children will be coming to dinner as well, along with my daughter who is a mom to my first grandchild and another on the way. It doesn't get any better than that does it? Thought I'd share this about mothers....
Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up...
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother.....
Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up...
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother.....
Saturday, May 7, 2011
"If you run you'll only go to jail tired"
Every town needs a police station, even Tiny Town. This is block is number seven in the series. My youngest daughter has already spoken for the quilt, the minute she saw the pattern. Originally this block has a fire station as apposed to a police station, however my daughter asked if I could adjust the pattern to the latter. She's a police officer, as is her husband, so it was only fitting that we try and tie that in. Didn't really take much adjustment, just the bars on the window and Police as apposed to Fire, embroidered.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Before and After ..from Frumpy to Fab
Thursday, May 5, 2011
World's Ugliest Chairs
These are by far the world's ugliest chairs. My daughter however sees life in them, and has asked me to reupholster them for her. These were my mother in law's 100 years ago some time back. Probably from the 50's I would think? They were passed to her daughter then to my one daughter who had slipcovers over them. Then salvaged from one sister to another and have been sitting in our garage for the last six months as our youngest daughter wanted them redone for her new house. I said I would try, but I'm not a miracle worker professional upholsterer. I'll share the finished project tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Bird's eye view
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Taking shape
We are finally making headway on the Quilter's Journey Mystery Quilt class. Kindred Spirits Quilt Co. is offering the monthly class this year and it's starting to take shape. We are at month 6 and this is Audrey's quilt in the making. No one knows what the quilt will look like when it's finished until the very last month, which is half the fun. The mystery quilt is offered by Border Creek Station Pattern Company. By the looks of things, it should be quite pretty.
Monday, May 2, 2011
This is the newest picture from my bird's eye view...remember that morning dove that had set up nest in my winter basket arrangement. She and her nest, along with eggs got gently transferred to the spring basket arrangement. Nothing seems to bother this little mother. You can go right up to her and have a look and she doesn't move a muscle
feather. I don't bother her, other than to get a new pic to see how things are progressing. I'll keep you posted, cause the eggs are still just eggs.
feather. I don't bother her, other than to get a new pic to see how things are progressing. I'll keep you posted, cause the eggs are still just eggs.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Chicago is not the only windy city
We had a terrible windstorm in Niagara Thursday with winds at 100km. Highways and bridges were closed, power was out for hours and much damage. This is our next door neighbour's house with the siding ripped off and my poor Mom's front yard with her beloved tree destroyed. We count our blessings here as nothing can compare to the horrific weather and loss of life which has affected our neighbours to the south. Our little damage here, even though upsetting, pales in comparison. We can't imagine how awful it must have been for families in the states.
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