Ok, I know, I’ve been absent for over a month. Those fossils just about did me in. No wonder I’ve turned to alcohol to ease the pain! You know it’s fall when you have beer choices that include Pumpkin Ale.
I just couldn’t seem to get my mojo back…..I was exhausted and jet lagged for over a week when I got back (in bed by 9 but wide awake at 3am) For weeks I just couldn't get back into the swing of things, didn’t want to quilt, read or even bake….I don’t know what got out of into me. In my absence I’ve celebrated two grandson’s birthdays (Ayden turned 5 and Owen turned 3), travelled to Pittsburgh for the game opener between the Penguins and Anaheim, I’ve gained 5 pounds *&)!&#)&)$^!)!*, taught 4 classes at the store, made a Lego quilt, a Halloween runner, a Halloween table topper, designed a new lap quilt, quilted a queen quilt, made 4 bibs, 1 baby’s outfit, sewn numbers and name patch on Dear Hubby’s hockey jersey )(*#@)^$)*@_*_$ , quilted my sister in law’s runner, finished a Beatle Bag for my sister’s birthday, and closed up the backyard pond!
OMG get me another beer!
Got to love this story of Dear Hubby while we visited Pittsburgh. Dear Hubby is the world’ s greatest Montreal Canadian fan. An absolute die hard… He even has the team logo tattooed on his upper arm. I know…creepy! Just to keep you in the loop…he hates the Maple Leafs…with a passion.
We are having dinner with my brother and his wife MaryLynn at Olive Garden before we go to the game and this perky, chatty young waitress starts chatting up Dear Hubby and Dear Brother. She finds out we are from Canada and she just loves Toronto and Montreal. They tell her we are going to the game and it turns out she is a huge Penguins fan, goes to the games all the time and loves hockey. So Dear Hubby pulls up the sleeve on his shirt to expose his tattoo and she looks at it stunned. She couldn't figure out the logo. Dear Hubby gives her a few clues….it's like playing charades with a giddy 5 year old.)**)&)!*_#*_!#* It’s a Canadian team he says….it starts with an M he says…….No word of a lie she looks at him ecstatically just beaming and shouts…..Toronto Maple Leafs….LMAO
Score 1 for Tattoo man…..